Vanilla Essence Vs. Vanilla Extract — Here’s the Winner!

If you are someone who has tried out their hands in baking at least a couple of times, or if you are a confectionery enthusiast, you must be familiar with the significance of vanilla flavour when it comes to a sweet treat. Vanilla is one universal flavour with few to no haters; it is the staple in several food items, starting from sponge cakes to ice creams. But there’s one question often asked but seldom properly answered when using vanilla as a flavour powder. What is the difference between vanilla essence and vanilla extract?

Surely, all of us have heard these terms used interchangeably, but are they the same thing? The answer is no. There is a very clear distinction between vanilla essence and vanilla extract. While the extract is a natural product, the essence is made from artificial ingredients. Let us delve deeper into the key factors separating vanilla essence from vanilla extract and learn why they cannot always be used interchangeably.

How Are They Manufactured?

Vanilla essence is a synthetically produced chemical substance made by food flavour manufacturers that often contain little to no real vanilla. This product even contains crude oil or petroleum that is processed to give it a strong vanilla flavour. It almost perfectly imitates real vanilla, but is far from it.

While vanilla extract is a fully natural product manufactured by soaking vanilla beans in water and alcohol, the extract contains a strong, authentic vanilla flavour from vanillin, a molecule present in real vanilla pods.

Some ingredients used in the production of fab flavour essence are water, ethanol, propylene glycol, emulsifiers, colourants etc. In contrast, those used in the manufacture of vanilla extract include water, alcohol, natural vanilla bean extracts and sugar.

When to Use What?

The principal purpose of both vanilla essence and extract manufacturing is to serve baking needs. But the differences between the two, both in respect of flavour, ingredients and price, lead to them being used for different purposes.

Vanilla Essence

Do you need to bake in bulk amounts? Then vanilla essence can be the cheaper and more convenient option. As it is synthetically manufactured, vanilla essence is much cheaper in comparison to vanilla extract. However, it can have a pretty strong artificial scent and flavour, which might not be ideal if you aim for a mild, natural taste and use vanilla as a key ingredient. The key factor that can make your dish is mixing in the vanilla essence with the rest of the wet ingredients. This way, the flavour remains subtle yet leaves an aftertaste without overpowering the whole dish.

Vanilla Extract

If vanilla is your choice of flavour powder, but you can’t figure out whether to opt for the more expensive extract or not, then fear not! We are here to help. Even though this high-quality ingredient can be a bit of a pocket pinch, vanilla extract can be used in a wide variety of recipes that stretch the horizons of baking. Food flavour manufacturers suggest that if you aim for the vanilla to be the star of the show, then going for the extract would be your ideal option. Be it a custard, or a homemade vanilla pudding or even a simple icing on a sponge; it is best to add in the vanilla after the food has been taken off the heat for a substantial period of time.

Price Differences: Which One’s More Affordable?

As mentioned above, based on the quality of ingredients used, vanilla essence is considerably cheaper than vanilla extract. It is manufactured by synthetic means, using artificial ingredients while extracting pure, high quality, authentic materials.

Even though vanilla extract is the more expensive option, it is the recommended one. The quality and potential of the product make those extra few bucks worth it. Available in a pretty affordable price range, vanilla extract is sure to last you a longer time than equal amounts of vanilla essence. This is because, when it comes to original products, a little goes a long way.

If getting hold of either vanilla essence or extract is difficult, there are substitutes like vanilla bean paste and other homemade tricks available.

The Bottom Note

In general, there is no way of deciding which one is better, extract or essence. It all comes down to your personal needs. If you need bulk amounts, then essence might be the pocket-friendly yet useful option for you. But if the quality is your highest priority, then close your eyes and reach for the extract!

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