Those who suffer from asthma only know how much something triggers their asthmatic attacks. Asthmatic patients have swelled airways that are reactive to certain things.

So every asthma patient whether it’s acute or severe must know the triggers that can worsen their asthma attack if not prior precautions are taken. Here is the list of triggers:-

  • For Allergic Asthma-

The allergens can cause a trigger in asthma. Inhalation of allergens may cause symptoms of allergic asthma. The familiar allergens are the followings:

  1. Dust particles
  2. Windblown Pollen
  3. Cockroach feces
  4. Mites feces
  5. Animal hairs, skin, saliva
  6. Spores (mold)
  • Irritants causing Asthma

Irritants are the things that are responsible for the inflammation and disturbances in the respiratory tract, not allergies, and will cause shortness of breath leading the asthmatic attack. And they are:

  1. Cigarette Smokes
  2. Industrial smokes
  3. The smoke and the fog combination in the polluted cities known as the Smog
  4. The charcoal smokes from the charcoal broil
  5. Fires, bonfires
  6. Dust particles
  7. Perfumes or any strong aerated things
  8. Certain chemicals
  • Physical Activity/ Exercises

Many times who have very narrow air passage due to inflammation, little exercises, or other physical activities can lead them to shortness of breath. Symptoms are not seen immediately but after a long duration of exercise asthma patients suffer from tightness in the chest, shortness of breath. This is treatable if proper Asthalin Inhaler is taken.

  • Variant Temperatures and Atmospheric Conditions

Have you heard of Thunderstorm Asthma? Yes, this is the type of asthma that occurs due to thunderstorms, heavy rains, or storms. In thunderstorms, the pollen gets breaks and spread in the air and through the wind, it can cause irritations by inhalation and lead to an episode of asthma.

  • Many other Health Circumstances

A person who has multiple health issues then sometimes these health issues can also trigger asthma attacks like-

  1. Different food sensitivity
  2. sleep apnea
  3. Overweight
  4. Gastritis problems like GERD
  5. Respiratory problems like common colds, sinuses, sore throats, rhinitis
  6. Asperillogesis
  7. COPD
  8. Nasal polyps
  9. And physiologically sometimes pregnancy


  • Different Medications

Many medicines can cause triggers of asthma attacks. And some are like-

  1. Beta-blockers medicines like propranolol, metoprolol because these causes bronchoconstriction.
  2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Aspirin and NSAIDs.

These are some drugs which cause bronchoconstriction in place of bronchodilation. So the use of them can trigger the cause of asthma therefore it is very important to talk doctor’s advice before the use of these drugs for bronchial asthma.

  • Feelings and Strong Emotions

Yes, your emotions, mood swings can trigger your breathing pattern and can cause asthma even if you don’t have a history of any asthma attack. Suppose you are shocked and you burst into tears and this situation is continuing for a long time then it might cause shortness of breath, gasping, and tightness of chest. Your emotions like-

  1. Enthusiasm or exhilaration
  2. Panic or Fright
  3. Exasperation or Anger
  4. Over Sobbing
  5. Chortling
  6. Shooting

All these strong feelings and emotions in an over way may lead to some phobia or fears which is enough to trigger you for an asthmatic episode.

Now the question is what is the PROTECTION you must take to prevent asthma triggers?

Yes, you can PREVENT your asthma triggers and for that, you have to check on these following points:-

  1. Firstly, you should know which asthma trigger is affecting you the most. And keep a record of your asthma symptoms. And have a proper allergy test if needed and then also you will get to know which things trigger your breathing problems.
  2. If you have allergic asthma then avoid allergens, the field where it is widespread pollens, avoid pets to stay away from their hairs, skins, avoid strong smelly things.
  3. Never be around smoke because that’s an irritant trigger. Quit smoking, or stop being around smokers, avoid industrial areas, and if you are working in an industrial area wear a mask and take preventive measures. Basically to everything to avoid any kind of smoke or smog.
  4. Do not be around people who have flue, cold, or fever because these are some of the triggers. Wash your hands after any type of contact with these people if they have any. Never put your hand in eyes, nose, and mouth.
  5. If possible take all the possibilities to make your home allergen-proof.
  6. Always get your vaccines in time because they will protect you. Get your common flu vaccine, Pneumovax, tetanus vaccine, zoster vaccine. Because untreatable long term flu can be pneumonia and it is a trigger of asthma.
  7. Take your asthma medicines and always keep your inhalers like Asthalin inhaler, Aerocort Inhaler with you. And take them regularly as prescribed. Get more detail at com

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